About Our Services

If there is one financial truth that almost everyone acknowledges, 
it is that huge amounts of money can be made in real estate.

There is no rigid curriculum for our students, because each student is at a different level of experience and in a different situation. 

In its simplest form, Alliance Tax Lien Group will pair you up with a successful, active real estate investor that you will work with over the next year.

This is not a program per sue, as the resources and goals of each client vary significantly. You will learn real estate investing by actually purchasing property, liens and deeds. However, investing alone does not guarantee profit.

Application through what you learn with your mentor is what creates success. Following your mentor's guidelines will ensure both.

Our Mission.
The mission of Alliance Lien Group is to inspire, motivate, train, and empower you to reach your real estate goals through one-on-one mentoring, establishing financial funding resources, as well as access and the purchase of pre-screened tax liens and deeds. 

Our Service Warranty.

Alliance Tax Lien Group will warranty and ensure your success, providing you stay engaged and do your part. Follow what your Mentor/Investor asks you to do continually throughout the year, no matter how much profit you generate. The Goal is to become Self-Sufficient and Independent. Following a year of one-on-one mentoring, if you are not completely satisfied, we will continue to work with you at our own expense until you are.​

How We Work With You.

Working with our group produces quick and phenomenal results. It is not a set curriculum or program with a syllabus. It is tailored to your interest, experience, goals and resources. So, we customize our approach for each individual, taking them from novice to successful investor. Your road to success is drastically shortened by eliminating the trial and error period that you would experience on your own. Perhaps it is time to have one of our mentors assist you in developing a proactive and detailed action plan with time-tested systems, resources and expertise, that will move your business to an entirely new level of success.

Alliance Tax Lien Group is designed to teach and train you to use principles of “smart” real estate investing. All of our Mentors are currently in the market doing exactly what they are teaching you. You will learn what they have learned after decades of successful investing. When you take this knowledge and apply the principles correctly, your level of success will exceed what you can accomplish on your own. Self-sufficiency gives you a skill that you can use the rest of your life! Your success will depend largely on how you learn and apply these principles.  So, go into this with the attitude that you will be open, receptive, teachable, and willing to accept the concepts we share with you.

What is the goal of my mentoring?

The shortest answer to that question is:  Our students buy real estate and make money, period! Mentoring is not designed to be a study course, or a program filled with theory, but rather knowledge applied through hands on personal application under the tutelage of an expert investor. Our goal is not to have you leave mentoring knowing everything about real estate, you will not. Our goal is to get you very good at one or two strategies so you can safely say, “I know I can do this, because I have already done it!”  We just make it easier for you by having a team of experts looking over your shoulder as you get started. Developing profitable deals in the shortest amount of time is the primary focus of your program.     

What exactly will happen in my mentoring program?

There is no standard answer to that question, because our approach to each student is specific to their needs, resources, learning curve, interest and ability.  However, there are common issues that each Mentor incorporates with each new student, including:

  • The nature of the market they are working in, and what strategy to apply for the best results.
  • How to value a property, either by CMA or NOI, from a cash flow standpoint, replacement value and determine what price will be required to have a profitable deal.
  • Multiple ways of purchasing a property, regardless of their current credit or income situation.
  • Exposure to private money, investor capital and other resources only available to seasoned professional investors.
  • How to develop an action plan, which, if implemented with the right team, will enable them to reach or exceed their goals.
  • Transaction funding.
  • Due-diligence to avoid costly mistakes. Proper research, purchase and profit cycles.
  • What are the best/most profitable states to buy tax lien certificates and lock in profit rates of 16% to 36%? Perhaps it is purchasing Real Estate for just back taxes, free and clear! This is one of the best ways to start a portfolio of properties that produce passive/residual income.
  • How to use your retirement funds to purchase tax lien certificates/tax deeds and reduce tax on your profits. They call it Self-Directed IRA – You are in control.
  • Understanding the distinction between primary and secondary markets.   

Who is my mentor?  

Our mentors work from their own business or home offices, and we actively encourage them to have other investments and real estate business activities. Most of our mentors are engaged on a part-time basis, and work around their own businesses and investment activities. We purposefully have chosen our mentors from a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences, personalities and locations. They are selected based on the following criteria:

Our Mentors are passionate about real estate investing. (This is probably the most important factor in selecting mentors.)

Our Mentors have decades of successful Real Estate experience coupled with the resources and contacts that facilitate excellent results, reduce risk and create profit quickly.

We are strong advocates of being a “product of the product.” In other words, all our mentors are active real estate investors themselves. They may also be brokers, agents, developers, rehabbers, flippers, property managers, attorneys, or professors. Our mentors have strong communication and mentoring skills. They can take complex things and teach you simply and succinctly.

Will my mentor be knowledgeable about the market where I will be investing?

Yes, but he or she will probably not tell you so.  Instead, the mentor will work with an expert in that market, and that expert is you.  The first assignments from the mentor will probably be related to understanding your marketplace.  Our goal is for you is to develop a set of skills that will help you understand any marketplace, wherever you choose to work in the future.

How do I communicate with my mentor?

Initially, through live over the phone weekly scheduled appointments, we develop an action plan that provides the knowledge and tools necessary to establish a starting point based on your goals. We determine this by collecting data through a comprehensive Program Action Plan (PAP). From that point on and through the remainder of your year with us, your mentor is available on an unlimited basis through phone and email support.

Purchasing Foreclosure Ready Tax Lien Certificates

Through Alliance Tax Lien Group, individual investors can now access tax lien certificates that they could never purchase before. This is accomplished through exclusive relationships with large institutional investors, hedge funds, banks, and brokers. Members can now tap into a space that was previously impenetrable.

When you choose to purchase foreclosure ready tax liens through Alliance Tax Lien Group, you will be assigned with both a portfolio manager and a personal account manager. We will guide you through every step of the purchasing process.

First, your portfolio manager will work with you on outlining your personal tax lien strategy; whether it be planning for retirement or wealth building, we will custom design a portfolio that matches your exacting requirements. For more long term care, your account manager will ensure that you stay on strategy and maximize your purchase

Purchasing Tax Lien Certificates will no longer require you to spend hours and hours looking through endless lists of Tax Lien Certificates, calling counties, attending auctions, and hoping to find that "needle in a haystack property."  With the help of your portfolio manager, most deals are done in hours not weeks.

Purchasing foreclosure ready tax liens is a fundamental aspect of your enrollment. However, it is important that you understand the basics of researching Tax Lien Certificates, calling counties, and attending auctions on your own. Your mentor will guide you through the process.